SSI Linear Displacement Transducers

Many of Delta’s customers have successfully used the linear position transducers with SSI output listed below.

Binary/Gray Code:
The RMCs accept both Binary and Gray Code options, but Delta recommends Binary coded transducers because it is easier to monitor the signals using an oscilloscope scope, and Gray code has no benefits in these situations.

# of Bits
Delta typically recommends 24 bits. The RMCs can handle up to 32 bits, but going beyond 24 can cause the Actual Position to lose resolution. This occurs because the Actual Resolution is stored as a 32 bit floating point number which is limited to 24 bits of precision. If you order more than 24 bits, such as 25 or 26, but the data doesn’t actually use more than 24 bits, there will be no problems. If you need a transducer length and resolution that requires more than 24 bits, realize that when the position exceeds 24 bits, it will lose resolution, and the RMC will only see a change on every other count, not every count.

Delta typically recommends the highest available resolution. Even if the machine need not be that accurate, higher resolution improves the functionality of the Differential Gain or Double Differential Gain. In rare cases, very long lengths and high resolution can cause the data to exceed 24 bits (see discussion above), so the resolution may need to be reduced.


R-Series V: Temposonics new magnetostrictive sensor with SSI output.
Make sure to specify synchronous mode as described on page 10 of the below PDF.
R-Series V Data Sheet.
Temposonics offers three synchronous modes:

  1. Synchronous mode 1: used when transducer response time (based on length) fits within the loop time.
  2. Synchronous mode 2: used when the transducer is too long for Synchronous mode 1.
  3. Synchronous mode 3: may provide additional benefit when the transducer is too long for Synchronous mode 1, but Delta has not tried this method.

R-Series: Magnetrostrictive sensor with SSI output.
Make sure to specify the synchronized 02 option, as described on page 14 of the pdf below. If using the Advanced options, it is any of the synchronized options.
R-Series Data Sheet

Most customer use the No Filter option.

E-series: The economical line. The SSI option works with the RMC, but the resolution isn’t as high as the R-series.

BTL5, BTL7: Magnetrostrictive sensors with SSI output. Make sure to specify the synchronized option B, as described in the Balluff transducer catalog.

BML series: This is an absolute SSI linear magnetic tape sensor with high resolution. Make sure to specify SSI.

Santest GYSE-S
Magnetrostrictive sensor with SSI output. Make sure to order the synchronous SSI option.

AMETEK Gemco 953S
Magnetrostrictive sensors with SSI output. Make sure to specify the Synchronous Position Update option.

For more details, or to suggest a product to be added to this list, send an email to

I just tried out a Turck SSI Linear Displacement Traducer and worked out well.

Delta tested the Turck SSI transducer, and found that it is not synchronous, which creates serious control problems. It may work for slow speeds.