New Mathjax support

\large a=\sqrt { 2 }\\ \huge a={ e }^{ -\frac { t }{ \tau } }\\ \\ \dot { y } =-a\cdot y\\ \dot { x } =\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 0 & -a\quad \end{pmatrix}x\\ { V }_{ ss }={ K }_{ vpl } \sqrt { \frac { { P }_{ s }\cdot { A }_{ pe }-{ F }_{ l } }{ { { A }_{ pe } }^{ 3 }\cdot \left( 1+\frac { { { { \rho }_{ v } } }^{ 2 } }{ { { \rho }_{ c } }^{ 3 } } \right) } }

Cool! How do you do that! Can you decrease the font size?

very cool.

I remember when [latex]\TeX[/latex] and [latex]\LaTeX[/latex] first came out when I was in college. It was a huge deal. Donald Knuth stopped the writing of his epic Art of Computer Programming to create a typesetting language he felt was up to the task of displaying his own work.

Jacob, font sizes are called out by the following tags preceded by a backslash:

[latex]\tiny tiny \
\scriptsize scriptsize \
\small small \
\normalsize normalsize \
\large large \
\Large Large \
\huge huge \
\Huge Huge[/latex]

I should point out that I used the Daum equation editor that is an extension to Google Chrome. There is also a Mac app.

Sent this to MKTX so they are now aware of Mathjax for editing.

On the new forum, the syntax for entering Latex font has changed. Instead of enclosing the font with

[latex]a=\sqrt { 2 }[\latex]

surround it with $


There have been some changes.

  1. Don’t use [latex] …[\latex].
    use a backslash$ sign to start and a $ to end
  2. Use \large or \huge before the line you want to make bigger. Norm covered this above.

I have also found that is it is best to start block of text with a \small, \normalsize. \huge and \large is too big for now.