Does anyone have pictures of what their communications set up for delta rmc 100 to a allen bradley control logixs plc. I tried opening the sample program but my rslogix 5000 program is not a new enough version for it to open. i am using a enbt/a ethernet card and have set up the enbt/a module and set up another module in for the rmc 100 but i am trying to use i/o over ethernet an it doesnt do anything.
What version of RSLogix do you have? I could possibly save the project to that version.
After you add the RMC100 as a generic Ethernet module to the ENBT in your project, does the newly added module indicate an error?
the version of rs 5000 im using is v15 and i got the communication work now but i am not able to make it move as well and accurate as i can when i send a command from rmcwin why is that? is there a way to get it to communicate and send the data on the already stored commands?
It’s not possible to use the stored commands from a PLC, only from RMCWin. If you are not getting the same behavior, then you must no be sending the exact same command. I expect that the Mode word is not identical. What command and parameters are you sending from RMCWin, and what are they when you send from the PLC?