Local user Control and Remote Labview Interface


I am looking at using a RMC200 to control a servo electric system. The system would lave a local siemens profinet hmi for user control.

Can labview commands be issued to command the controller at the same time?

Also, what speed can you expect to get the load, displacement values from the controller over labview?



Yes, the RMC200 will support multiple connections. You will be able to connect via the LabView Instrument Driver (search for Delta Computer Systems in the NI Instrument Driver Finder) as well as using PROFINET to talk to the HMI. You will need to set the Ethernet mode to PROFINET - see the RMC200 CPU Properties Dialog:

The NI RMC communication VIs use Delta’s DMCP, which is a basic Ethernet communications protocol. You can learn more about DMCP in this Help topic: DMCP

The data rate depends on the communication update rate set in the LabView application. The RMC will have updated sensor data every RMC loop time - typically, every 1 ms, but you can set the loop time for your RMCTools project. Loop Time