What if RMCTools cannot be updated or uninstalled?

If the RMCTools installation fails, try these steps:

  1. Restart the PC and retry the install.
    If a restart is pending due to a recent Windows update or other installation, this may prevent other installations from completing, such as RMCTools. Restarting Windows will fix this type of issue.
  2. Repair the install.
    If a previous version of RMCTools is installed, try repairing it as described in Repair RMCTools Installation below and then reinstall RMCTools.
  3. Remove previous version of RMCTools.
    If a previous version of RMCTools is installed, try uninstalling it, then reinstall RMCTools.
  4. Run the Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter.
    See https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17588/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed.
  5. If all else fails, send installation log to Delta.
    The RMCTools installation will create an RMCTools_Install.log file in the AppData folder (typically C:\Users<user>\AppData\Local\Temp). Email this file to Delta support. See http://deltamotion.com/support/

Repair RMCTools Installation
In some rare cases, it has been found that the RMCTools installation can become corrupted such that RMCTools cannot be updated to the newest release using the standard RMCTools installer. The installation looks like it is working, but just before completing, the progress bar goes backwards and the install is reported as having failed. The same behavior is also seen if trying to uninstall RMCTools when in this situation.

In both cases, the problem is likely caused by the entries in the Windows registry for the installed version of RMCTools having become corrupted, and therefore preventing an uninstall from succeeding. Because updating to a newer version of RMCTools internally must first uninstall the older version, attempts to update fail as well.

To correct the problem, the previously installed version of RMCTools must be repaired. Follow these steps:

  • For Windows XP and earlier, open the Control Panel’s Add/Remove Programs window. For Windows Vista and newer, open the Control Panel’s Programs and Features window.
  • In the list of installed programs, select the previously installed version of RMCTools, and click the Repair button.
  • Following the on-screen instruction to repair the previous installation.
  • You should now be able to install the latest version of RMCTools.

Cleanup Utility for Older Windows Versions
For older versions of Windows, such as XP, if the above repair procedure does not work, the previously installed version of RMCTools must be forcibly removed. This can be done using Microsoft’s Windows Installer Cleanup Utility. Follow these steps:

  • Download the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility package here: http://deltamotion.com/files/msicuu2.exe
  • Run this Windows Installer Cleanup Utility package to install the utility on your PC. Notice that Windows Vista users will have to run as Administrator under User Access Control (UAC), otherwise the installation will fail. Also notice that the installer’s graphics suggest that it is Microsoft Office 2003, which was confusing to me. This is probably because it was developed as a tool for supporting Microsoft Office installations gone bad.
  • Run the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility program that was installed on your PC. Windows Vista users will have to answer the User Access Control (UAC) warning when starting the program.
  • In the Windows Installer Clean Up window that is displayed, scroll down to the RMCTools (or RMC70Tools for older installations), select that item AND ONLY THAT ITEM, and then click Remove.
  • Click Exit after the utility is finished.

You should now be able to install the latest version of RMCTools.