We often receive questions about where to find wiring diagrams, schematics or pin-outs for the RMC75 and RMC150. Here are the various places you can find wiring informaton:
RMC150 Start-Up Guide or RMC70 Startup Guide.
This is shipped with each unit and can also be downloaded as follows:
Go to http://www.deltamotion.com/.
On the upper horizontal menu bar, click Downloads.
On the left vertical menu under RMC150/151 or RMC70 Series, click Manuals.
Choose RMC150 Startup Guide or RMC70 Startup Guide.
This startup guides are fairly short (approx 40 pgs) and may be worth printing if you do not have the copy that was shipped with the unit. The wiring diagrams are toward the back.
RMCTools Help
This is included in the RMCTools software:
On the Help menu, click Help Topics.
On the Index tab, type “wiring” (don’t type the parentheses).
Under wiring, click the module that you need wiring info for.
RMCTools can be downloaded from Delta’s website as follows:
Go to http://www.deltamotion.com/.
On the upper horizontal menu bar, click Software.
On the left vertical menu under RMC150/151 or RMC70 Series, click Software.
Choose RMCTools.
RMC70/RMC150 Motion Controllers and RMCTools User Manual
Notice that the user manual contains the same wiring diagrams that are in the RMCTools help. The user manual can be downloaded as follows:
Go to http://www.deltamotion.com/.
On the upper horizontal menu bar, click Downloads.
On the left vertical menu under RMC150/151, click Manuals.
Choose RMC70/RMC150 Motion Controllers and RMCTools User Manual. The Wiring chapter contains the wiring diagrams.
Search terms: wire, wires, wiring, schematic, pinout, pin-out, pin out, pins