A Beckhoff TwinCat device can communicate with an RMC motion controller via EtherNet/IP.
Beckhoff currently has two listed EtherNet/IP scanner options:
• TwinCat driver for using one of the PC’s existing Ethernet ports as an EtherNet/IP master:
• Dedicated EtherNet/IP master device (plug into rack) (includes its own Ethernet ports):
Setting up the communications is similar to adding any IO Device in TwinCAT, simply follow the steps provided below.
In the I/O tree under Devices add a new item ( Ethernet/IP Scanner → for configuring on of the Ethernet ports as Ethernet/IP or Ethernet/IP Scanner ( EL6652) → if using the hardware module) .
Then under the newly created Device ( TC3 EIP Scanner) add a new item ( Generic Ethernet/IP slave ) and use the Delta EDS file to configure the Box .
This will create an IO Connection where mapping to/from Delta F42 registers can be accomplished.
This is the link to Beckhoff Infosys : ( Beckhoff Information System - English)
For a step by step walk through with images and an example project download the following zip file:
Beckhoff RMC150 Connection.zip (359.4 KB)