Knowledge Base: Examples
General Manufacturing This section has topics and/or RMCTools Project examples that can be applied to a wide variety of systems. Typical applications discussed here are custom or unique systems designed for a specific end use, but the motion control approaches can be applied in many ways. Wood Products This section includes topics and/or RMCTools Project examples that are particularly useful in wood products applications. Testing This section has topics and/or RMCTools Project examples particularly related to precise positioning, force application, and data collection useful in testing systems. Presses This section has topics and/or RMCTools Project examples particularly related to pressure or force control applications. Programming This section has topics and/or code examples for interfacing with RMCs from other programming languages or to execute motion sequences programmatically within RMCTools itself. Communications This section includes resources for setting up and troubleshooting communications between RMC motion controllers and other automation devices like PLCs and PC-based systems.